Hurricane Tips & Claims Information
With the threat of a hurricane or tropical storm facing our area, we would like to communicate some information as an added service to our valued customers. This sheet will provide you with tips and information for reaching your companies, or our agency, if you sustain a loss. Although we are hoping for the best, we always prepare for the worst.
1) After a loss we ask that you take all reasonable care to secure your premise or business from further loss. We (and the insurance companies) recognize that there may be very little you can do depending on the severity of the loss. In addition, NEVER put yourself in danger of harm or injury for the sake of making this attempt.
2) Should you suffer a loss, your first attempt should be to contact the companies direct for specific directions on what to do, and how you should proceed. This will speed up your claim process and get you on the road to recovery more quickly. Provided here is a list of company claim numbers for some of our major property carriers.*